• Mon to Fri: 9:00am to 6:00pm

  • 10850 Sam Black Road, Suite B, Midland, NC 28107

Relationship Rescue

Are chronic arguments destroying your relationship? Is your health suffering from all the stress and conflict? Is your partner uncooperative? Does he or she refuse to attend therapy? Can you see the end of your relationship on the horizon if things don’t change? Relationship rescue is possible.

My Untalk therapeutic approach specializes in resolving arguments and restoring communication between partners before they get to what I call The Dead Zone — that place where there is no caring left. I offer a unique approach that has rescued many relationships in spite of chronic argument an inability to communicate and having failed with other approaches.

offer a unique skill-set that can rescue your relationship after it appears to have reached the point of no love, or very little love, left.

One partner’s willingness to try can be enough

Conventional couples counseling requires the cooperation of both parties. My revolutionary new communication model, UnTalk Therapy™ many times only requires the cooperation of one party to open up communication and resolve conflict.

If you are both willing to work on your problems, or you are the only one willing to initiate changes in your relationship, please consider giving my unique UnTalk Therapy™ a try. It has saved thousands of relationships over the years. Additionally, my strategies for creating a healthy and meaningful life will give your relationship the chance it needs to get back to where you once were.

You can learn to stop fighting and start communicating again!

Rescue your relationship, rescue your health

Stress, especially chronic stress, causes inflammation in the body. If you and your partner are fighting, or if you feel alone and unloved, your health will suffer.

A defining moment for me was the deterioration of my health before I discovered the principles behind Untalk therapy. Once I applied what the latest science was saying about the most effective way to communicate, I healed my relationship and my health improved.

My Relationship Rescue program is designed to work with you one-on-one. Together we will take steps to enable your reunion with your loved one. I am here to help you save your relationship and change your life.

Untalk Couples therapy in Matthews

Philip DeLuca MSW, LCSW is a couples counselor and relationship expert in Matthews, North Carolina.

To talk to Phil about how to restore your love, or how individual counseling can help you. Call today, or fill out the contact form and click Send.

Learn more

My book The Solo Partner: Repairing your Relationship on Your Own is based on my own experience and successful methods I have used for years as a marriage counselor in clinical practice. Click here to learn more about my practice and my methods.

Our Therapy Process

  • Book Appointment

  • Therapy Sessions

  • Gain Confidence

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